1. Traditional Rattler

    An old-school rattlesnake.
  2. Traditional Succubus

    This tattoo design is an American traditional (oldschool) devil mudflap girl. She is tattooed and has one hoof thrown up in the air.
  3. Traditional Rosenwrenches

    This tattoo design is a traditional rose with a pair of crossed wrenches and a spider web.
  4. Traditional Cherries

    This Traditional tattoo design is a full color drawing of a pair of cherries with leaves.
  5. Linear Non Traditional Catcher

    This tattoo design is a black and grey drawing of a dream catcher with non-traditional weaving and hoop.
  6. Swooshtail Swallow

    A neo-traditional swallow.
  7. Swooshtail Swallow 02

    A neo-traditional swallow.
  8. Swallowbanner

    A traditional swallow with a banner around it's wing.
  9. Momenswallows

    This American Traditional tattoo design is a full color drawing of the word "Mom" on a banner carried by two swallows and wrapped around a rose.
  10. USN Anchorstars

    A traditional anchor with stars and a banner reading "USN".
  11. Tight Weave Dreamcatcher

    A dream catcher with tight weaving and non-traditional hoop.
  12. Traveler

    Non-traditional. A bird shape with stars, marks, and islands.
  13. Home

    This tattoo design is a full color drawing of a traditional swallow.
  14. Divewing Swallow

    This tattoo design is a full color drawing of a traditional swallow.
  15. Rose

    This Traditional tattoo design is a full color drawing of a rose with a name banner.
  16. Rosenskin

    This Traditional tattoo design is a full color drawing of a rose through the skin.
  17. Knitenrose

    This Traditional tattoo design is a full color drawing of a pair of crochet needles, a ball of yarn, and a rose.
  18. Skullspade Rosemouth

    Skull with a spade on it's forehead and a rose in it's mouth..
  19. Filigree Tail

    This tattoo design is a full color drawing of a neo-traditional swallow.
  20. Filigree Tail 02

    This tattoo design is a full color drawing of a neo-traditional swallow.
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