1. Lil Phoenix

    This tattoo design is a black and grey drawing of a small phoenix with fire coming off from it.
  2. War and Peace

    A black bird pulling the pin on a grenade and a dove with an olive branch. One person could get both designs, or two people could each get one of them.
  3. Christianity is the Key

    This tattoo design is a full color drawing of a key with a cross atop, a dove holding an olive branch in front of it, as well as a halo in the background.
  4. "By His Blood We Are Saved"

    This tattoo design is a color drawing of a decorative crucifix with two doves and hands pierced at the wrist as well as the words "By His Blood We Are Saved" in the clouds.
  5. Three L Grace

    This tattoo design is a cross with a heart of light coming from it with two doves flying inward. The words "Live, laugh, and love with the grace given from above" are around it.

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