1. Old Reasoner

    This tattoo design is a black drawing of Old English with a Reasoner touch.
  2. USMC OE

    USMC in stacked Old English letters.
  3. OE "Honor"

    This tattoo design is a black and grey drawing of Old English "Honor"
  4. FTW

    This tattoo design is a full color drawing of FTW in old english lettering.
  5. 666 doublepent

    This tattoo design is a black and grey drawing of 666 in Old English with two inverted pentagrams.
  6. Hybrid Phoenix

    This tattoo design is a black and grey drawing of a phoenix with Grecian, Asian, and Old English attributes within flames.
  7. "Damned"

    This tattoo design is a full color drawing of an Old English "Damned" with a red to yellow fade, representing the fires of hell.
  8. "Hallowed Be Thy Name"

    This tattoo design is a full color drawing of a cross on beads with the words "Hallowed Be Thy Name" in Old English lettering.
  9. OE Warrior

    This tattoo design is a black and grey drawing of Olde English "warrior".
  10. LNCL OE

    This tattoo design is a full color drawing of Laugh Now Cry Later as "L.N.C.L." in Olde English lettering.

    This tattoo design is a black drawing of "DILLIGAF" in Olde English lettering. This is the acronym for: "Do I Look Like I Give A F**k".

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