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Christian Tattoo Symbols and Symbolisms

Christian Tattoo Symbols and Symbolisms

There are many different variations of belief within the term "Christian". Many of these derive from the Catholic Church, since it has been the largest proponent of the Christian faith around the globe. Catholics are, however, not the only source of symbols and meanings by any means. We'll go through quite a few of them here. This, as with all of our blogs, will be expanding over time. One thing to be aware of is that translation between different languages can be messy, and all things are always up for further research and debate.

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Zombies and Their Mirrored Societies

Zombies and Their Mirrored Societies

Zombies and Their Mirrored Societies Ongoing research and opinion from Ray Reasoner Jr.

Zombies are an idea from antiquity. The earliest known references are from "The Descent of Ishtar", a Middle Eastern story and then in another "The Epic of Gilgamesh" from around 2100 BCE. The ancient Greeks also feared the undead.

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Tree Tattoo Symbolism

Tree Tattoo Symbolism

If you look at the structure of many trees they actually resemble our lungs upside down. Our tie to them is ancient and necessary for survival. Let's go through some of the different ways and symbolisms that are used in the tattooing of trees on us today.

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Tribal Tattooing Around the World

Tribal Tattooing Around the World

So what is a tribal tattoo you may ask? What do tribal tattoos mean? Is it acceptable for me to get a tribal tattoo? I will do my best to answer these questions in this article. These questions are very vast and differing in answer from region to region and culture to culture. Let's start out with the North American Native tribal tattooing traditions.

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Urban Tattoo Designs

Urban Tattoo Designs

Typically a black and grey style of tattooing which consists of inner city relatable topics.

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Norse Mythology (Viking)

Norse Mythology (Viking)

Tattoos that pay homage to the Norse cultures; Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish ancestors are commonly referred to as "Viking" tattoos. This could realistically extend to Greenland and the Faroe Islands, due to the nature of their founding as well.

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Wiccan Symbolism

Wiccan Symbolism

The nature and spirit based religion of Wicca. It includes many ancient beliefs but was founded openly as a religion by Gerald Gardner in 1954.

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XXX definition

This little trio of Xs has multiple meanings and its translation is all about context. One of the oldest is for moonshine, booze, what have you. It's often seen on the sides of corked jugs and the like to let you know that it's knock your d**k in the dirt alcohol.

Next up we have the obvious pornography aspect, XXX is a rating that was applied to only the filthiest of porn movies back in the day. This also sometimes included excessive bloodshed or violence without sex. The rating system started with X, then double X, and of course followed by the aforementioned. It is pretty much a run of the mill label now.

More recently, it has been associated with the straight-edge movement. This movement represents purity of self, in one form or another, generally relating to abstaining from alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex, meat, tobacco, or any other thing deemed impure by whichever group you talk to. So we would guess that the irony in symbol choice is intentional.

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Yin Yang

Yin Yang

This Taoist symbol represents balance. Dark and light, ebb and flow, absorption and penetration, female and male, pretty much any opposite forces may be used to form a yin yang but it is traditionally a circle with equal curving teardrops of black and white with circles of the opposite color within those teardrops.

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Zoomorphic Tattoo Designs

Zoomorphic Tattoo Designs

From the time that humans became self aware and started decorating we began trying to represent the world around us. One of the many categories of things in our vast world is animals.

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